Disney And Blu-Ray Make It Exciting Time For Macross Fans

Disney And Blu-Ray Make It Exciting Time For Macross Fans

Anime fans looking for modelling supplies may be swayed in their choice by what’s popular and prominent at any time. Over the next few months, it looks like Macross is going to be enjoying a huge surge in attention and popularity.

Macross will be getting not one, but two big boosts as it makes its appearance both as an Ultimate Edition Blu-Ray box and is about to be streamed on Disney+.

Anime Limited announced the forthcoming Blu-Ray box at MCM Comic Con London, with the release planned for this autumn. Some of this may appeal to slightly older fans as it features the four-episode 1994 OVA, which will come in a large rigid slipcase, anime streaming service Crunchyroll reports.

The package includes a book that covers the history and production of the series, including interviews with producers and guides to the artwork, plus art cards and a promotional poster.

All this suggests fans of the series will have much to enjoy from this collectible box and its contents, while it might just win a few more Macross fans among those unfamiliar with the series.

However, something else may do a lot more to widen the Macross fanbase. As GameRant reports, Macross has been signed up by Disney+, with all 122 episodes and multiple movies all set to be streamed by the channel.

This means four full anime series, all OVAs, plus movies. In short, whether someone is a fan of the series dating all the way back to its first episodes in 1982, or someone just discovering now what all the fuss is about, a Macross feast awaits.

Indeed, while the Blue Ray box may be just the thing for long-standing fans, the Disney+ showings are likely to offer the best chance of expanding the appeal of Macross to a new audience.   

Right now, only some folk will know much about Macross. Expect its popularity to skyrocket over the next year.

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