
Discover The Reborn-One Hundred’s Unique Gunpla Profile

Gunpla is a wide and fascinating range that model enthusiasts have enjoyed an endless fascination with. One of the reasons for this has been the emergence over time of novel new variations on the theme.

This is especially true for the Reborn-One Hundred, or RE/100 range. The name comes from the 1/100 scale of these models, which, curiously, steer clear of the best-known models and Master Grade releases, while being aimed at intermediate level builders with their simple inner frames but detailed exteriors.

RE/100 models were first launched a decade ago, with the aim of Bandai being to fill a gap between those suits released in MG form and those that would be produced in MG form but as regular 1/100 No-Grade kits.

Into this gap were inserted a number of great models that makers can still enjoy today. Whether it is the Nightingale (too large to be produced in MG form), too costly like the ‘Gerbera’, or just not well known like the Gundam Mk III, they constitute a niche that is neither too expensive nor too complex for intermediate makers.

Not all of these were launched in 2014 in response to the gap in the market. For example, the LM111E03 Gun Blaster was launched in 2019.

This small kit packs a lot of detail and that’s just the arsenal of weapons, including as it does a beam sabre, two missiles, a beam rifle, beam bazooka, beam shield, plus several adaptors.

Its moveable parts include a pivoting head, a torso that can move a little, arms that can be raised horizontally and double-jointed elbows and knees.

Others launched over the years include the RX-78GP04G Gundam GP04G Gerbera, which came out in 2015, the AMX-107 Bawoo (2017) and the 2018 launch MSA-005K Guncannon Detector.

Put together, this range offers a niche range of lesser-known models made in a different grade and scale to other Gunpla models, but offering their own fascination, enough of a skill challenge and a rich sense of novelty. They are further proof that Gunpla never fails to offer variety and new challenges.

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